
Jan Aalberts receives honorary doctorate from Nyenrode Business University

enterpreneurship and leadership as fundament for sustainable growth

On 14 June 2012, Mr. Jan Aalberts, founder and President of Aalberts Industries N.V., received an honorary doctorate from Nyenrode Busines University.

"Jan Aalberts symbolises successful entrepreneurship in the Netherlands and abroad," says Prof.Dr. Maurits van Rooijen, Rector Magnificus and CEO of Nyenrode Business University: "Under his inspiring leadership Aalberts Industries realised stable sustainable growth since its establishment. As an entrepreneur, he unites the core values that Nyenrode wants to transfer to its students: Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Stewardship. Jan Aalberts has rendered these values into an organisation with an entrepreneurial culture and room for innovation. Knowledge sharing, technology exchange and product development ensure continuous renewal. We are happy to underline that performance with an honorary doctorate."

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